I missed my lil sister so much man. shes the only thing that keeps me sane. other that biglilboo. i haven't seen her in like a month and shes so damn big man. like seriously. i was at my dad's door waiting for them to get home and they pulled up. i snuck up to the side where she was sleep and opened the door. she did a double take like "....hi bro.......WHAT?!... BRO? where you come from!" I'm like i missed you. lol she likes me the most. its always like that. cuz I'm cool. i was tryna hold a convo with pops and shes like "bro.....bro.....broooooooo......sigh...BRO!.....ANNNNNTWANNNNNN"
I'm like "oh huh". man i love her. me and her pushed her mom in the closet and locked her in there lol.
For the longest Ive been wanting a XBOX360! and finally someone has a deal for 150$. so I'm pondering if i should buy it or not cuz the money i just got imma open a account and put my money in there OR i can wait til my next check and do it and get the xbox now. what chu think? i need to decide. i really want one :(. i play GTAIV only like 3 times. its awesome. i want one BAD. id get one before id get me more drawers.
blah. grr i need to quit saying blah....Krystal is rubbing off on me. i told her the first time i ever talked to her i thought she'd have a ol sweet lil voice. but once she started talking i was like wow " she has a lil thug in her". I'm like she gon be cursing me out in the near future... lol.
so one of my READERS talked about me talking about my favorite planet. so i thought about it. and ill like the M.....OOON. like even tho it isn't a planet but i wanna jump high and float n shit like the moon is a like a living bounce house. i saw this picture of a hotel that they were gonna make on the moon. fuck that i want a house on the Moon. that would be AWESOME. i wish i could buy the Moon. and be able to go there whenever i like. and don't have to worry about life down here. like that would be kool to me. ill still need cable tho.
i thought about if i had kids today, and i think in about 2 yrs it could happen. like having a lil mini me would be kool. i think id be stable enough to have one. ion no i seen this super cute baby today and she was SO pretty and good and she liked me. she kept coming to the cash register staring at me. i couldn't stop smiling I'm like damn shes gonna be beautiful when shes older... it i was like wow i want mine to be just like that. smart, beautiful and healthy ya no? and if i had one i already no my "FUTUREbabymomma" is beautiful, so no worries right?
like my favorite song i play everyday is Kanye west "i wonder"
listening to it helps me thinking and i like hearing it when I'm writing blogs.
You say he get on your fucking nerves
You hope that he get what he deserves, word
Do you even remember what the issue is
You just trying to find where the tissue is
You can still be who you wish you is
It ain't happen yet
And that's what the intuition is
When you hop back in the car
Drive back to the crib
Run back to their arms
The smokescreens
The chokes and the screams
You ever wonder what it all really mean?
You hope that he get what he deserves, word
Do you even remember what the issue is
You just trying to find where the tissue is
You can still be who you wish you is
It ain't happen yet
And that's what the intuition is
When you hop back in the car
Drive back to the crib
Run back to their arms
The smokescreens
The chokes and the screams
You ever wonder what it all really mean?
yo, like this verse makes me start rocking harder like damn... my nigga be spittin yo. i like hearing it live too. whelp imma end this blog like i leave the others.... and umm... no crazy words imma call you today. FAG!
And I'm back on my grind
A psychic read my lifeline
Told me in my lifetime
My name would help light up the Chicago skyline
And that's what I'm
Seven o'clock, that's prime time
Heaven'll watch, God calling from the hot lines
Why he keep giving me hot lines
I'm a star, how could I not shine
How many ladies in the house
How many ladies in the House without a spouse
Something in your blouse got me feeling so aroused
What you about?
A psychic read my lifeline
Told me in my lifetime
My name would help light up the Chicago skyline
And that's what I'm
Seven o'clock, that's prime time
Heaven'll watch, God calling from the hot lines
Why he keep giving me hot lines
I'm a star, how could I not shine
How many ladies in the house
How many ladies in the House without a spouse
Something in your blouse got me feeling so aroused
What you about?
future baby mama.
is sooo beautiful.
That mention was weak
take it or leave it!
-leaves it
You didn't even say Mars.
I'd be satisfied if my name were MOON!
lol blah! youll be okay :D
that baby is adorable.
No I won't.
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