[i love looking at her. sexy ass.
seen those buns of steels, awesome right!.
what a great person you are.
oh and im hers she said]
so when i woke up this morning i realized it was eight in the damn morning. late as hell for class n shit so i didnt go til second hour. kinda good my first hour teacher voice annoying as hell. shit 3rd hour we didt have a teacher so me and krys was on the phone. nothing really important happened til 4th hour when i found out my aunt died this afternoon. i didnt think it would hit me as hard as it did. cuz i havent seen her a good minute. i dont think ive seen her since this summer. and i wont never see her now. but i remember how she used to take us to school because she ran a transportation service. i remember spendin the night over her house and being over there alot. i remember eatting all there food. and destroying they sunflower seeds. just thinking about all that mad me leave my class like i need to take a lil walk. i never had to deal with someone that was close to me dying like that. every other time die something like that happened it was when i was to young to actually understand the significance of people and of life. all i knew it that i hated funerals. i couldnt attend them i was wasnt having that. so not im like i need to pace myself i need to live my life to the fullest ill never know what will happen 5 , 10 , 20 minutes from now, or ever years from now.
i fell asleep with my pillow buddy last night have a deep conversation. basically on past relationships what happened. what we learned. sex. etc. then basically realizing these ppl didnt really deserve the shit that was being giving to them. me im kinda on some fuck that bitch type shit. man i hate putting my all into someone or something just to get that shit frisbee back at yo ass in return. i remember steady being accused of shit wasnt doing. constantly arguing. constant break up to make up type shit. wanting to let go but couldnt type shit. man... if that isnt the most stressful irritating thing ever. it got to the point my dad had to do irritating shit to get me off the damn phone with this chick. and now i glad in the end that he did. [thanks pops] i also talked about this one bitch who was claiming she liked me so much and came to find out she was sucking my bestfriend up. that was a good laugh. women are pitiful, well.. maybe i should say certain ones. this bitch excuse was :
"i was in a long term realationship and i guess i got caught up in being able to do whatever i wanna do again...just being free"
df? what that gotta do with you sucking the nigga up tho. shame.
[ Baby you like twan, Baby you love twan, Baby you love...]
[Rip Bernadean ]
that girl is SEXY
This nigga Twan, man!
Lmao, my nigga got that ol' home movies shit on his blog. I feel you, dude. Show yours off. Lmao! She's a keeper though, young man.
Man, I know exactly what you mean about that relationship shit. I hate putting my all into something. It's like when you put your all into it, when it's over - you're left with nothing. I HATE starting over with nothing.
As far as the accusing shit, Joe Budden said it best.
"Don't treat ya man right, you'll lose him//The worst thing to do to an innocent man is accuse him."
Much love goes out to you and yours though with your aunt, bro. I know how it is to lose someone. That shit is tough. Keep your head up.
Smfh, I can't believe I forgot to write about that in my original comment.
My bad.
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